Talaga Herang

You can visit Talaga Herang on vacation using a vehicle with good road access and signposts that will make your vacation easier. The tourist destination of Talaga Herang Sindangwangi is approximately 22 km from the city center of Majalengka with a travel time of about 45 minutes.

source : google

Talaga Herang is located at Lengkong Kulon, Sindangwangi, Majalengka Regency, West Java. When you want to visit the Talaga Herang Majalengka tourist attraction but are confused about the best travel route? The following is a map of the location of Talaga Herang that you can access to get the best travel route to this tourist attraction.


Talaga Herang consists of two syllables derived from the Sundanese language, namely Talaga and Herang. Talaga means lake and herang means clear.

As the name implies, Talaga Herang has the main attraction in the form of a very clear and clean lake. The water is so clear, you can easily see the bottom of the pool.

You can sit in the available place, facing directly towards the lake. Wow, very cool and delicious.

In addition to swimming in the clear lake, you can invite the children to swim in the swimming pool in the corner of Talaga Herang.

source : google

Wanda Waterpark has been established since 2016, and has a pool for children as well as an adult pool. By having multiple slides as well as spilling buckets.

To be able to swim at Wanda Waterpark you have to pay a cheap additional fee.

You can get exciting and fun holiday activities in Majalengka when visiting the Talaga Herang tourist attraction. Feel the freshness of Talaga Herang water with bathing activities. Talaga Herang's clear water is also recommended for diving and hunting for anti-mainstream photos underwater.

Get an exciting and unforgettable vacation at Talaga Herang Sindangwangi with recommended tourist spots. Besides swimming and diving, you can also enjoy other exciting activities such as fishing, camping, picnics and more.


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