
Taman Kadipaten (Park)

do you like walking in the park? or relax there with your friends or family? Taman Kadipaten (Park) will be a comfortable and pleasant place for you …

Taman Dinosaurus (Park)

This recreational park is located in Lemahputih Village, Lemahsugih District, Majalengka Regency, West Java. The distance is quite far from the crowd…

Gunung Cakrabuana (Mountain)

do you like hiking trips? The Enchantment of the Beauty of Mount Cakrabuana Tourism Object in Lemahputih Majalengka, West Java source image : google …

Museum Talaga Manggung

The Talaga Manggung Museum is quite easy to find because of its location which can be reached from various directions. The address for the Talaga Man…

Situ Janawi

Situ Janawai is one of the many natural attractions in Majalengka, West Java with a charm of beauty that is second to none. This place offers water t…

Telaga Nila (Lake)

Lake Nila natural tourism is located in Lengkong Kulon, Sindangwangi, Majalengka Regency, West Java. You can visit the Nila Lake tourism object using…

Talaga Herang

You can visit Talaga Herang on vacation using a vehicle with good road access and signposts that will make your vacation easier. The tourist destinat…

Situ Cipanten

Situ Cipanten Majalengka, West Java is a natural tourist destination with a beautiful panorama. This one tourist attraction is an alternative for vac…

Bukit Mercury Sayang Kaak

Merkury Sayang Kaak Camping Hill is one of the new tourist destinations in Majalengka. This place is actually a campground, but it has been improved …

Curug Ibun Pelangi

Curug Ibun Pelangi is a natural tourist destination that is very interesting to visit because its beautiful charm has recently become a conversation …

Terasering Panyaweuyan Argapura

This terraced hill tour is located at the foot of Mount Ciremai. Precisely in Sukasari Kidul Village, Argapura District, Majalengka Regency. It is ab…

Terasering Sawah Nangklak

Most of the time, the Nangklak rice fields are very easy to reach because they are passed by a connecting road between Nangklak Village and Payung Vi…

Paralayang Adventure Land

This tourist area is located on Mount Panten, a small hill in Sidamukti Village, Kec. Munjul, Majalengka, West Java. The route to this location is al…

Cikadongdong River Tubing

The location of this river tubing is at the foot of Mount Ciremai. Precisely in Payung Village, Rajagaluh District, Majalengka Regency. This tourist …

Ciboer Pass

Ciboer pass is a simple tourist spot that offers a holiday sensation like being in Ubud Bali. There are many things that can be done while visiting t…

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